Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday wrap up

-This weekend I was completely worthless, missing a good friend of mine who was in from out of town and also the opportunity to watch some good French horror with other good friends. And whose fault is it? Dracula. Dracula and work. Both are kicking my butt and giving me just enough energy left over to search for gas and toaster my strudels. I’ve had the sinking suspicion I’ve been about to get sick for the last two weeks. So far, I’ve held it at bay but it’s been coming and going. Lots of vitamins and sleep.

-Speaking of Dracula and searching for gas, the two collided this weekend. See, we’re in rehearsals right now and that often means a lot of sitting around. Sitting around for me usually means (once I’ve got my lines memorized) reading comic books and goofing around trying to entertain myself. On Sunday, I was sitting around for an hour or so and started searching the theatre and found face markers for little kids. You can mark your face with them and wash them off (I presumed). Anywho, I gave myself kitty whiskers along with a flower on my forearm and the words “Renf” and “Ield” on my fingers. So when my hour and a half wait was over, I went on to hand Dracula a briefcase. No words, just a briefcase hand off. When he looked at me and smiled I meowed. Ha ha, time passed. Mission accomplished.

After rehearsal I begin my hunt for gas. One of the guys said there’s some on the edge of town so away I went. And there was! And only a minimal line! So I wait and eventually get a spot. Now I was so excited about finding gas that I didn’t pull up as close to the pump as I could have. I was close but no cigar. Unfortunately I was close enough to the car beside me that it would have been a tight squeeze for a car to get by me. A guy pulls up behind me and can’t get by. I wave and mouth “Sorry about that.” He waves back, sticks his head out the window and says, very friendly-like, “No worries, take your time.” I finish, wave, say ‘Thanks’, and with a huge smile waves back.

Now this is pretty rare right now. Everybody is pissed and on edge. Fist fights are happening at the pumps and gas stations with gas are hiring police officers to regulate people and are starting to use people to direct traffic because drivers don’t understand the idea of forming a line and waiting your turn. As I described it yesterday, when a crazy person meets an inconsiderate person, there’s going to be fireworks. But this little interaction went great. I get in my car and drive away.

Halfway down the road I realize I still have my kitty whiskers. Hey, who can get mad at a guy with kitty whiskers?

-Funny quotes recently.
Director gives the instruction to several ladies (Dracula’s disciples, the Vixens) in the cast: “The vixens do it on the ground.” I turn to my pal Steve and say, “Oddly, I have that bumper sticker on my car.”

A couple of minutes later, I kill an attendant, the very same attendant (Steve) who wheels us on and off stage. So he falls down dead and I say to him, “Hmmm….how are we going to get off when you’re dead?” And Steve says, “Oddly that’s what my bumper sticker says.” I know, I have the humor of a frat boy and a 5 year old mixed together but I laughed about it again today and smile everytime I think of it. What a creepy bumper sticker that would be.

-Speaking of comic books, just got finished reading “Fables: 1001 nights of snowfall.” Overall it’s a great book and fills in nicely some of the gaps left by the normal Fables series. But one guy in particularly blew me away: John Bolton. No, not the Republican guy, but rather the artist John Bolton. He has a realistic painted style similar to Alex Ross, but only slightly less hyper-real. He illustrated a story of Snow White and the Prince after that had been together and before they split up. Here’s a pic from it, taken from Mr. Bolton’s website,

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