Monday, May 12, 2008


Click on comic to make bigger.
One of my favorite professors in school used to tell us that, while we were studying acting, that we would learn all sorts of techniques and skills that would help us. And each time we would learn one of these new techniques, we put it in our little tackle box, as if we were fishermen. Then after a long time of filling this box with lures and baits and all sorts of goodies, we would go fishing. However, when we went fishing, we wouldn’t use all of our fancy-shcmancy baits and lures. We would probably just end up using a cane pole with a lure on it. We still had our box of stuff if we ever needed but chances are we wouldn’t.

This was a very complex metaphor that, to me, meant ‘the simplest way is probably the best.’ Or, as my Mom says, ‘KISS= keep it simple, stupid.’ She doesn’t call me ‘stupid’, FYI. It’s just an acronym.

All of this to say, I did a comic for two years, twice a week when I could. It was started as fun but once I felt pressured to perform, it was not fun. In an attempt to make it fun, I bought a bunch of complex programs and drawing utensils to give me back the sense that I was really drawing and not point and clicking with my old pal MS Paint. Well, I’m back on the horse, sort of, and I’ve brought my old pal MS Paint with me. But I’m not on a schedule. I’m just making some comics. For fun. For friends. For amusement. No pressure. And for better or worse, no access to all the great tools that I have at my disposal.

I’d love to say I may push myself to make better looking comics and all that, but it probably won’t happen. I’ve got work to do and comics ain’t work. Or they shouldn’t be. Unless you’re getting paid for it. Then it’s work. But I love you anyway.

I remember when rock was young,

PS. Happy belated Mom’s Day to all you mommas.


Unknown said...

Glad you are blogging/creating comics again, Matt. I look forward to future installments. Was great seeing you guys on Fri.


Will said...

Ditto on everything that J-bird said. You folks throw a fine party and more Matt creations on the net are a very good thing.


mmyers said...

Thanks gents. It's nice to have you here.=)