Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Wrap-up

-Looking over account notes, I just found this gem. When asked if the debtor was there, someone responded, “No she’s not in here” and hung up. Is that weird or is it just me? I could understand “She’s not here” but “She’s not IN here” leads me to believe that they’re being held captive in some box with a toilet and a telephone (apparently). The visual I’m thinking is Buffalo Bill’s hole in Silence of the Lambs. “It answers the phone and takes a message.”

-I have never, to the best of my knowledge, laughed in someone’s face. I always hear folks say that. “I laughed right in his face.” That is an exaggeration, though. They laughed in their presence, sure, but not directly in their face.

Well, I just laughed in someone’s face in the breakroom. CNN plays in there non-stop and this often leads to heated political conversations and unsolicited opinions from people looking to speak for no reason. So one lady was in there and she asked me what happens to unspent campaign funds. I responded I did not know and continued heating my meal. She said she was VERY surprised that the story about Obama’s campaign being funded by terrorists hasn’t been picked up by anyone other than the ‘website she went to’. Bloody hell, I laughed. Right in her face. She’s a close talker. I couldn’t stop. I’m usually pretty good about entertaining crazies. I think that’s why crazy people like me. I’m tolerant. But boy howdy, when she busted out with that, I couldn’t help it and I burst into gales of laughter. I’m certainly not trying to influence anyone politically but good grief, that’s ridiculous. She’s lucky I hadn’t just taken a sip of my drink.

-After that conversation, I went back to my desk and scribbled the words, “I’m surrounded by dangerous people” in my notepad.

-Went looking to see if there were any reviews for Dracula on-line and stumbled on to an old review for a different show. I preface this by saying this is my favorite review of a show I was in ever. The year was 2005 and the show was Take me Out. My friend Bill sent it to me a few years ago and but I hadn’t stumbled on to it in years.

Is it nice to me? Nope. But it’s so funny and great that I laugh all the way through it. No idea who the guy is. No idea what his qualifications are. I’m not even sure about the site itself. But make no mistake, I love everything about this review and “Bill Smith” who wrote it.

What’s fantastic about it is the meticulousness that it rips up our show while countering that at every turn with the positive attributes the other show had and their superiority to our show. And I love that we’re pitted against one another, one on one, in MORTAALLLL COMBAATTTTT! It’s sort of the Superfriends versus The Legion of Doom. I’d like to be Solomon Grundy but I’m betting I’m Sinestro.

Here it is. You’ll have to scroll down to Take Me Out in 2005 (the Bill Smith one), but my goodness, it’s delicious.


Will said...

"it just goes to show that, like Jason Chenier on the baseball team, BFT has the BIGGEST HEART in the ENTIRE Birmingham theatrical community team!!!!"

Is it wrong that I want to beat the holy stuffing out of this dude?

Riley said...

Whoa, those amateurs in Birmingham sound like motherfucking geniuses.

mmyers said...

I just want to meet him and maybe do some ink blot tests with him.

Birmingham is the Broadway of the Gulf Coast.