Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Alabama fine dining

Took a little trip this weekend to visit my mom in Florida. If there’s one thing I love about visiting Florida, it’s driving through backwoods Alabama. Alabama convenience stores are a huge draw for me. I don’t know of a state that takes more pride in its gas stations. You can buy denim jean there and boots and assorted hats, along with boiled peanuts and fried chicken. I honestly love stopping off there and it usually adds some time on to my trip but it’s well worth it.

Another thing to love is they always have tester products, stuff that they’re thinking about releasing to the general populace but they want to see how it sells in Alabama (and possibly if someone will die from ingesting it). I also can usually find Cheerwine (if you don’t know this soda, do yourself a favor and go to a convenience store in the middle of nowhere and get one) there and I usually opt for a mystery soda. Peanut butter Chex mix, Almond MnM’s and pickle flavored potato chips all started in Alabama convenience stores. And Alabama gave them a passing grade (like they do with all children who attend school) and now we can have them too. However, worlds collided when I found this little nugget:

Dr. Wham. You know how I feel about the surnamed sodas, right? Well, I saw this little treasure and had to get it. I wanted to know what the next step in the Dr-Mr Pibb-Pepper evolution would be. So I bought it and drank it.

It tasted terrible. It tasted like melted Nerds. You know, the Willy Wonka candy? It was like that in soda form. I don’t expect to see Dr. Wham making a big splash anytime soon. The only positive I can think of for it is that it gave me an excuse to sing Wham songs and George Michael songs, which I’m always looking for an excuse to do. “Careless Whisper” got me to Brewton. “Wake me up before you go-go” to Flomaton. A weird side-effect was wanting to stop off at a rest area and pick up some dude, which is pretty dangerous in Alabama, Dr. Wham or no. But I fought that off with some Bob Seeger. I ‘turned the page’ so to speak.

Final Verdict: If you’re confident in your manhood and don’t need an excuse to sing George Michael, avoid this soda.


Gray said...

Cheerwine is showing up in Atlanta area stores lately, actually! Keep an eye out.

I love trying random soft drinks on road trips, too. I usually go for the most garishly colored thing I can find.

mamaevel said...

the onion's av club should read this.

mmyers said...

Oh I'll be keeping an eye out for it, you betcha. Did you look at their website? The yankees!

I always forget to read the AV club, but when I do, I enjoy it.