Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thursday ketchup

-In an attempt to make my cube less cube-esque, I have begun growing chives. Why, you may ask. I’m not really sure honestly. A few months ago, I started trying to fill my cube up with plants in the hopes that they would produce a lot of oxygen and I would be light-headed through the day. So far, I feel no more light or heavy-headed. Still, having little plants to water is often enough to lure me into coming to work. Money is nice too, but to know my plants may die, well that pushes me over the edge to come in.

Not sure what I’m going to do with the chives when and if they survive. I may start growing potatoes, get a couple of cows and start making sour cream and chives potato chips right at my desk. I wonder if they’ll let me put a stove in the breakroom. Perhaps I’ll also put a little hand painted sign outside of my cube to advertise them. “Unkle m’s olde time Kuntry Kubicle.”

-Found this little pic while rummaging through other people’s flickr site. Are you there, God? It’s me, John Ritter.

-So I have a little dog named Penelope. She was a rescue dog taken from the mouth of Hell. Apparently she got out of Hell and went to my friend’s Matt and Stacey’s house. Then they gave her to us. Anyway, now she’s mine. She’s an OK dog, I guess, but she hasn’t gotten with the program of the other dogs yet and that program is ‘sleep until I get up’. Instead she’s on her own schedule. So after 6 AM, if I roll over or make a noise, she’s ready to go. She’ll jump on and off the bed until I get up. Usually I roll on my stomach and put my pillow over my head and try to ignore her. Today she upped the game by ‘fisting’ me. I was on my stomach and she totally pawed me in the ass. If I wasn’t awake before that, I can assure you I was very awake after that (yes, I had boxers on but the only thing keeping me from having a paw square in my ass was a thin layer of plaid cotton). I may have to start sleeping in a chastity belt.

-It seems my life is dominated by office crap lately. The day job, doing a play about an office at night, reading the book ‘Company’ while on the treadmill (recommended by pal Andrew, good read thus far but it’s still ‘office’ related), I’ve decided to make my nightstand/before bed book ‘Little things’ by Jeffrey Brown.

If you’re not familiar with him, he’s a comic book writer/artist on Top Shelf. His stuff is very personal, almost embarrassingly so. It’s basically an illustrated diary. I wouldn’t say his style of art is complex by any means by it is very…I dunno, evocative, maybe. He does a lot with a little. Simple line structure but very busy backgrounds. And his writing style is very jumpy. Time passes in huge jumps one second and tiny ticks the next.

To be frank, this is the third book of his I’ve read and I’m still not sure I like his stuff. Of course I keep coming back so I must. It’s almost too personal at times, like he’ll focus a bit too much on the tedious moments of his life. Maybe I dig that he’s so brutally honest about himself. He doesn’t come across as the conventional ‘hero’ type. Actually, he comes off very needy and starved for affection, and yet it’s him who’s putting it out there.

Here’s a video he did for Death Cab for Cutie.
Well scratch that. Couldn't find it.


Andrew S. said...

I'm imagining the creative genius that would be a Death Cab for Cutie video done in the style of Mr. Pixel.

mmyers said...

A part of me would love to do this.

Then the other part, the lazy beer swilling part, says, "Oh, one of those shows where convience store clerks beat up robbers is on" and then it all goes to hell.