Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A thing I must share

Just a quick thing from yesterday. A friend of mine sent me and a couple other guys a message saying that *names deleted to protect the innocent* needed actors for a restaurant party tonight. The theme was Bastille Day and they were looking to fill slots. I thought, "well, it's my night off but I could stand to earn some extra bucks" so I read through the forwarded email (from a local talent agency). They needed someone to dress up as Louis XVI. OK, odd but I'll play along. Then at the bottom of the email, without the least sense of irony, it said, "Must have own Louis XVI costume."

Dude, I laughed for a good ten minutes. Actually, I'm not sure I could call it a laugh as much as a 'bumhhhh' that developed into hysterical laughter. It was so specific. The sad part was that I have a Louis XIV costume but not a XVIth. Hey, you play the market...

1 comment:

maryk said...

that made me laugh,too.