Thursday, July 31, 2008


-So 2009 will mark my return to the director’s chair. I haven’t tried to direct something since…hmmm, 1997 I guess. I’m a little overdue, don’t ya think?

Yeah, I just agreed to direct next summer. I’m not sure I’m at liberty to give details yet, as I don’t think the season has been announced yet, but let’s say I’m excited. Let’s say that this project gives a lot of wiggle room and coolness for the rag-tag band that is being thrown together. I’ll tell you more as I know more, but yeah, I’m jazzed.

-Oh yeah, I just signed on to do a show (as an actor) that I have loved since the late 90s called Mojo. It’s credited with inspiring Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, so that can’t be bad, right? That’s in 2009 as well. So for those keeping score, it’s Dracula up next, then Mojo, then directing, I think. I’m trying to only do shows with one word titles. So far, so good.

-My wife is now an RN. Officially. So that means I can f’ myself all up and she can patch me up. Or if you have a friend who is OD’ing, heck, bring ‘em on over. She’s on the job market now, searching for nursey-type jobs. This is quite similar to my job search of early in the year, except that she actually has a useful skill and is very smart. I was a guy with a wrinkled shirt and 9 years experience in a field he didn’t want.

Cross your fingers that everything quickly falls into place and my little world suddenly turns into a happy place. Hey, maybe Hayder will suddenly become very happy.

-Last weekend for the show. It’s been a good run, actually. I’m not always excited about seeing the cast and doing the show but I love being around these dudes. I actually look forward to it. And the show clocks in at an hour which gives me time to go home and watch the Simpsons, drink a cold drink, pet the dogs and kiss the wife.

-Many thanks to pal Cesar for suggesting a character for Hayder. I, at first, couldn’t think of what I would really use the character for but then I drew it yesterday and fell in love. Silly stuff. He’ll debut very soon, Ces.


Andrew S. said...

I think it's sweet that you humor our neighbor to the South.

Will said...

Good news all around, Matt. I will...

...wait for it...

...Pray for Mojo.

Please get that joke.

mmyers said...

I was afraid he'd stop bringing me those cigars if I didn't do it...wait, Cesar isn't Cuban?? What the heck have I been smoking then?

I cheated and looked it up but now I totally get it and it made me laugh.

Unknown said...

I finally got a chance to downlaod the image. Awesome. Can't wait.