Monday, July 21, 2008

Good News/Bad news

Today we’ll play a little game I call Good News/Bad News.

Good News: The National Black Arts Festival is going strong in the ATL right now.
Bad News: It had nothing to do with Harry Potter or Snape or any sort of evil magic at all.

Good News: I ate at Checkers the other day and it was delicious as fast food with no actual dining area can be.
Bad News: Several teenagers thought I was someone called ‘Tisler’, which turned about to be a teacher of theirs. This has shown me that I apparently look like a teacher now and, even weirder, one who is off work.
Better News: Apparently ‘Tisler’ was one of their coaches, so at least if I’m going to look like a school teacher, it’s the coach.

Good News: My old middle school PE coach, on rainy days, would let us watch the Planet of the Apes movies. He was a huge fan of the movies (also a championship bull-rodeo rider guy) and so we’d go to a classroom and watch ape movies.
Bad News: As fun as those movies are, I watched them at least 50 times and now have absolutely no interest in watching them again.

Good News: A reviewer from the AJC came and reviewed our show.
Bad News: They tore us a new asshole.
Good News: I now have two assholes.

Good News: One of the playwrights of the show got some more press for us with this super swanky interview in Creative Loafing.
Bad News: The article is accompanied by a picture of said playwright with his shirt off and a horrible mustache.

Good News: It occurred to me the other day that, as I age, I may be able to be in Krapp’s Last Tape one day in the future. I had the offer last year to be in it and I just felt waaaayyyy too young to do it. After doing Waiting for Godot, I’ve been creamy to more Beckett stuff, and hey, if I keep it in mind, maybe one day I will.
Bad News: Most older male actors I know have horrible HORRIBLE memories, which means, by the time I’m actually convincingly old enough to play Krapp, I probably won’t be able to keep the lines straight.
Worse News: When I do play it, I’ll probably look like a gym teacher.

Good News: Started listening to World War Z on audio book.
Bad News: Nothing big. But someone has a terrible fake Asian accent. But the audio is awesome, otherwise.


Will said...

You want me to round up a posse and we show that AJC dude how we do things downtown?

mmyers said...

I've come to grips with it. It happens.

In other words, yes, let's do that.

rp said...

My mustache is awesome.