Monday, October 27, 2008

Saw this on another blog...

And decided I'd do it too. Maybe if you're bored, you should too.

What were you doing 20 years ago?
-I was in 8th grade.
-I had a massive crush on a girl named Melissa. I sent her flowers to school and she told people they were from someone else. Years later we became acquaintances. I named the man who had a sex change after her in the film ‘Groping for Luna.’
-I shaved my head and dyed the stubble blue on the last day of school.
-I was pretty miserable in middle school and gearing up to be miserable in high school.
-I loved comic books, pro wrestling, and rap music. These things have not changed.
-My brother’s best friend moved in with us for awhile and ate everything we had. We were all pretty unhappy.

What were you doing 10 years ago?
-I had just graduated college.
-Still living with my mom.
-I was in a band called SuperZero. We were terrible but I miss those guys. We were a mix of REM, Danzig, and The Germs, both in sound and appearance. Yeah, I told you we sucked.
-I was preparing to move to Atlanta and then move to Boston to get an MA in playwriting.
-Did a show at my old University for old-time's sake and became reconnected with an old friend during the show. We started dating during that show and three years later got married. Before her, it was a year of dysfunctional relationships and messy break ups.
-I was working at a punk rock record store as an assistant manager.
-I would paint everyday, fall asleep on the floor for awhile, wake up, make a sandwich and start painting again. Literally, I did this nearly everyday I wasn’t at work or hanging with friends/girlfriend. It was as nearly perfect as my life has ever been.

On 9/11/01
-I came into work and a bunch of folks were huddled around a radio and said a plane had hit the WTC. I assumed they meant it had knicked it or something. Anyway, by about 10:30 the office was buzzing. I called my wife and we both started trying to contact our friends in NY (like everyone else). Around 1:30 the company decided that if anyone wanted to go home, they could but they’d have to take vacation time to do so. I took the vacation time and went home to hang with the wife and watch CNN.

What were you doing 5 years ago?
-I had a shitty job in Human Resources while doing plays at night. The upside was I could come and go pretty much as I pleased.
-I was getting pretty burned out on theatre and not seeing any sort of real rewards from it. Saw a show called Howie the Rookie and it flipped the script for me. Fantastic play and it reaffirmed for me why I do what I do.
-We were in the throws of filming the 2 ½ year long Groping for Luna. Simultaneously a great and terrible experience.
-Lived in a one bedroom loft apartment with the wife and a Rottweiler.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
-Had just finished Drove, which I co-wrote and performed with some great pals. Turned out to be one of my most proud moments in theatre.
-The axe was preparing to drop at my crappy HR job, unbeknownst to me. By December, it’d be gone. In the end, it was fine as I had lost the ability to come and go as I pleased and was generally starting to hate everything.
-2007 wasn’t a happy year for the most part. I’m starting to feel that I may be on an upswing again but 2007 was the beginning of a dark tunnel.
-We got Penelope, the wonder dog. She was part of the down swing. She’s getting better too though.

What did you do yesterday?
-Had a Dracula matinee.
-Auditioned for “If you give a mouse a cookie”.
-Came home and watched Dexter and ate a fajita with the wife.
-Read some “Fables”

What will you do today?
-Call back for “Give a Mouse…”
-Exercise (hopefully).

What will you do tomorrow?
-Audition for “Christmas Carol”-Exercise (hopefully).

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