Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What's been up?

So what’s been up? Well, the obvious answer is: I’ve been busy.

-I finished the play about racing. You know, the play itself was so-so. The cast was pretty freaking fantastic, talent-wise. So a mediocre script was propped up by 9 good actors, in my opinion. And it was fun. I laughed a lot. I played cards a lot. But for the most part, I sat around in the back of the theatre reading. Paid to read. I think maybe I’ve been going about this acting thing wrong all these years. Instead of shooting for the longwinded/ look-at-me parts, I should have been shooting for the parts where the guy comes on stage, drops off a glass of wine to the main characters and then leaves. Then they sit in the back for two hours. That’s the life.

-I put in my notice at work. Yep, I’m getting out of the office world in favor of doing theatre as my regular gig. Now, truth be told, my new gig is educational theatre, which in the artistic world is probably just above being a mime or doing a Six Flags stunt show. But you know what? I’ve been in a crappy cubicle for the last 10 years. So talking to broccoli about how many nutrients it has can’t be any worse than what I’ve been doing. I’m nervous and excited and am hoping for the best. There are a couple of things I’d probably change if I had my druthers but hey, nothing is perfect. So new material for Hayder may be harder to come by.

-Directing a show. That’s a nice change of pace. I think I’d be more nervous about it if I had had time to be nervous. But I didn’t. I pretty much leapt into it after the racing show. When I was a kid, my pal Charlie had all the coolest toys. GI JOE. Transformers. He-Man. That giant Godzilla and the Shogun Warriors. And a swimming pool. All the stuff I didn’t have. Anyway, that’s what directing these guys is like. I’m getting to play with all their toys. All the toys I don’t have. It’s fun when you look at it like that. But I’m trying to be conscious of letting them play with their toys too. And, if I were being honest with myself, I’d tell you I’m not an optimist. But I’m very optimistic about this show. I think you’ll like it. It’s called Fingertips and it starts at Dad’s Garage on July 10th.

-Won an award for Mojo the other night. That was cool. It seemed kind of unfair because everyone in that show was so good and the set was so good and the costumes and lighting were soooo freaking good. So it was pretty easy to come in and just do the thing. But it’s nice to be recognized. Nice to sit around with friends and drink. I’ve had a nice 3 year run for getting the best actor award for shows at Dad’s. I think next year I won’t be so lucky because I have nothing on the horizon with them, acting-wise. But this looks like it will be a good year anyway. Lots of good stuff in the works.

What about you? How are you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on both the career choice and the award. You deserved the award and you didn't deserve the punishment of an office job, so all is in balance. I hope this doesn't compromise any Hayder source material, though.

I'll make sure to drop by and check your show. I will even start a standing ovation at the end of every scene. Hell, I might just do it after every line. It's going to be awesome.

(Cut to me being banned - ... aaaand scene.)